Community Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired offers a variety of programs and services that enable individuals who are visually impaired or blind to be as independent as their situations allow and participate fully in society. Services are free through partnerships with California Department of Rehabilitation Blind Field Services and the Older Individuals Who Are Blind program, grants from the City of Stockton Housing Division, Economic Development Department and Rotary Club of Stockton, and the generosity of the community.
Information and Referral
Connects individuals who are visually impaired with a network of ancillary services and programs–Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Joaquin County Department of Aging, Social Security Administration, State Department of Rehabilitation, California State Library Service, Veterans Administration, and others–that enable them to live independently and productively.
Adjustment to Vision Loss
Provides useful and practical information that assists with the emotional adjustment to vision loss. Participants obtain information about local community resources and other services for people who are blind or visually impaired. Designed to increase self-esteem, Adjustment to Vision Loss offers participants the opportunity to discuss feelings and reactions to vision loss; peer support aids the adjustment process.
Vision Loss: A Family Affair
Offers advice and direction to family, friends, and caregivers on ways to assist a loved one with adapting successfully to the many changes that accompany vision loss.
Assistive Technology (AT)
Teaches the latest hardware, software and peripherals that aid people who are blind with working around their challenges to access information and create electronic documents. Devices include smartphones, tablets, digital recorders, refreshable braille displays, screen readers, screen magnification software, desktop and portable video magnifiers, large print and tactile keyboards, wearable technology.
Braille Literacy
Teaches individuals a tactile method of reading and writing. Individuals use braille to label household items, take notes, read and write. By using braille, people who are blind can review and study the written word. Most of all, individuals have access to a wide range of reading materials including educational and recreational reading and practical manuals. Through braille, people who are blind can pursue hobbies and cultural enrichment with materials such as music scores, playing cards, bingo cards, board games.
Independent Living Skills (ILS)
Teaches people who are blind or visually impaired the techniques used to live independently: meal preparation, money management, self care, cleaning the home.
Orientation and Mobility (O&M)
Orientation and Mobility teaches individuals to familiarize themselves with and travel safely and efficiently through various environments using remaining vision, a long cane and/or optical aids. Orientation and Mobility enhances movement within home, school, work, and community settings.
Vocational Assessment
Vocational assessment services assist people who are blind or visually impaired with identifying strengths, abilities and interests to determine the scope of services necessary to obtain employment.
Low Vision and Blindness Aids
Community Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired stocks an array of items that foster independence and make life more productive for people who have limited or no vision. Canes, magnifiers, talking timepieces, and braille and large print playing cards are among the products available for purchase.
Leisure Skills Program
Offers many enjoyable educational, recreational and social activities–bingo, board and card games, book clubs, bowling, ceramics, crafts, field trips, gardening, healthy living classes, luncheons, descriptive movies, yoga–that develop self-esteem, prevent isolation and afford opportunities to socialize with peers in a supportive environment. From flower arranging to wood crafts, individuals use their tactile sense to produce practical and lovely items for themselves, family, or friends. Please visit our Client Activities Calendar for more information.