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Run, Walk and Roll: SATURDAY, AUGUST 10
Brain Health to Beat Stroke 5k
Join us for the 5th Annual Brain Health to BEAT STROKE!
Bring friends and family to support the Champion's Walk, sponsored by Sutter Health
Date: Saturday, August 10, 2019
Location: University of the Pacific
Cost: $15.00 Donation; T-Shirts: $10 Cash, Visa and Mastercard
* There will be water stations located throughout the 5k.
Additional Information:
It's a Family Affair!
Team & Individual Performance Medals:
General Information:
Vendor Information:
5K Route and Map
*This route is Wheel Chair accessible. The Champions Walk will be designated just beyond the darker lines indicated on the map.
The Champions Walk
Stroke Survivors walk, roll or run at different levels of recovery, but with the same conviction to live!
Stroke is a life-long fight for recovery. It takes a lot in you and out of you to not give up and have the fortitude to fight continuously to restore, renew and reclaim abilities that were injured by the brain blockage or bleed.
We know now that a stroke can happen to anyone at any age. In the United States alone, 798,000 people have a stroke every year and many do not live. They truly are victims. But, those who wake up from a stroke is a victory in itself, but working on a journey to victory is what we celebrate!
Families, friends, co-workers and others who have been impacted by stroke are asked to come out and walk and support the Champions and encourage the continued fight for continued improvements and inspire the new person beyond stroke.
This walk is not only for those who have had a stroke, but for the fight in you, as everybody has to claim victory over some life-changing experience and deserves to walk with Champions. Cheers and Music, "The Champions" will be playing as our champions pass the finishing line. No one will be left behind!
Stroke Education Forum: What's That About?
If you know Healings in Motion, you know that we produce great events. It's because we do it with passion and a strong intent to make a difference in somebody's life. This year's Stroke Education Forum blends passion-driven stroke survivors who have taken their life-threatening experiences to change the landscape of stroke around the globe.
Surviving a stroke changes your perspective on life values. Nothing is taken for granted.
Hear three survivors, who were achievers prior to stroke, share how their lives have been reshaped by stroke and each one is doing something to lift other survivors through their challenges as well.
Save Lives Locally. Make an Impact Globally
Stroke Thrivers and Recovery Strivers. (STARS)
formerly known as Brain Aneurysm/Young Stroke/AVM Support Group
First Congregational Church, located at 3409 Brookside Road, Stockton, CA 95219.
2nd Thursdays, 5:30pm-7:00pm August Only
Meetings include a guest speaker, time to share and a not-so-fancy, but fun potluck!
(For more information call EJ Sugar at 209-566-0831 Ext.2)
Refreshed and New!
Stroke Thrivers and Recovery Strivers
A Socially Supportive blend of
Stroke Survivors and Caregivers
Starting in September STARS' meeting times will change to 3:00pm-4:30pm, respecting that daylight saving times limit some who are challenged with driving in the dark. We hear you!!
For those who are bedridden or not mobile you can still participate.
Join STARS On-Line every Tuesday, 1:00pm-2:00pm. You can call-in or connect visually with our zoom connect line. More details coming.
Every stroke is different and so is the journey to recovery. We lift and inspire as we connect socially and share resources, experiences and talents. Its a whole new day and way for Stroke Survivors!
Your Feedback is Needed:
What is the #1 thing you need to support or help you as a Caregiver that you don’t get now?
Your answer to this question will help us plan the best INNER SAFARI Caregiver Conference and provide better support year round.
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